Comprehensive Financial Planning

Some people want to see how all the pieces will fit together—how they will buy a home, make renovations, put children through college, pay for weddings, buy a weekend place and eventually enjoy a financially secure retirement. A comprehensive financial plan will take into account expected income, expenses and saving to predict whether you will reach your financial goals. Your plan will incorporate all of your financial accounts, your various insurance policies, your properties, current and future tax situation as well as workplace benefits and family structure. We will also talk about risk management and estate planning needs and we will use Monte Carlo analysis to determine which financial planning moves will most improve your odds of achieving your financial goals.

Cost: $1200 to $3500 depending upon complexity and number of scenarios desired. Your Initial Financial Review Fee will be applied against the cost of your comprehensive financial plan so you only have to pay the difference. You will receive referrals to estate planning attorneys, insurance brokers, mortgage brokers and other professionals, as appropriate.